Welcome to The Phoenix-Online...

Grand Central Station for All Things "Microsoft Comic Chat"

Microsoft Comic Chat is a free IRC chat client that is a lot of fun!

With Microsoft Comic Chat, you chat in a comic strip environment as a
comic character, along with all your friends using different comic characters!
It is a lot more fun than plain boring texting!

MMD Denise Dan Kwensa Lance Jordan Phoenix Margaret Rebecca Armando Tiki Xeno Tongtyed Lynnea

Back in the day, when free Web Hosting companies were closing right and left and many many Comic Chat characters were lost, it was Fran's (aka Meta Joy's) hope to host everyone's characters on her server, which she intended to stay online continuously. At the time, a few of the 'authors', (which most are also long gone now), accused Fran of wanting to steal their characters. This was NEVER the intention! In fact, with most sites gone, if these characters had not been saved, they too would be dust in the winds of crashed hard drives and lost websites! Then as a consequence, no one else would have the opportunity to enjoy them! Currently our data folder holds 12,599 character .AVB files. Only a fraction of these are here for any and everyone to freely use! If you are an old timer coming back and can't find your character that you once used, contact Mermaid Elizabeth at mermeliz@mermeliz.com. It may be one of the many that are in her data folder.

Enjoy Comic Chat and these resources!

It's here! Restored! A Comic Chat 2.1 section for a more secure chatting experience!
Including most of the original color characters in 2.1 format
and original 'add-on' backgrounds in .BMP format.

Scroll down to the new 'Nexus 2.1 ' section!

Steve Roland's (aka Y-Guy) 'Unofficial MS Chat Add-On Site '
Kiosk Sitemap
The Phoenix Online Foundation
Microsoft Comic Chat 2.5
MS Chat & Editor Backgrounds for Comic Chat
Comic Chat Help Pages Sound Files
NEWtTutorials Volunteers & Hosts

Newsletter Archives
Additional Characters - NEXUS
Male Characters Female Characters Microsoft's Original B&W Characters Colored
Animal Characters Assorted Characters Holiday & Special
Artist's Art Characters Photograph Characters Converted V-Chat Avatars
Character Creators-Artist's Profiles
NEW Artists Corner
Nexus 2.1


Contact us at: webmaster@phoenix-online-nexus.com

Phoenix Webmasters