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Automation Rules

This page will cover the built in Rules in MS Chat 2.5, basic information is covered on how to build your own rules and samples are also provided.  Please consult the Rules Reference in the help file in MS Chat 2.5 for further detailed information.

Table of Contents

  1. How to Build a Basic Rule
  2. Sample Rules Sets

How to Build a Basic Rule

Building Rules in MS Chat is relatively easy.  Once you open the rules and begin to create one you will find two areas, you need to select an Event and define it then set the Action to be performed when the Event occurs.  This is a basic If 'X' happens do 'Y'.  Though it may seem complex, it's not.  Lets start by building a basic rule.
Step 1:  Open MS Chat, go to the Rules tab, click on the Sample rules set.
Step 2:  Click on the button that says Add Rule.
Step 3:  In the Event box, click the down arrow to show the possible events.
Step 4:  Select "A user joins the room"
Step 5:  Click the down arrow next to Nickname:, and select "%AnyoneButMe%"
Step 6:  Click the down arrow next to Room:, and select "%MyActivatedRoom%"
Step 7:  Click the down arrow next to Actions:, and select "Send a message to a room"
Step 8:  Click the down arrow next to Room:, select "%EventRoom%"
Step 9:  In the Message: box type in "Hi %EventNickname%"
Step 10: Click the OK button to save your rule. Click Apply and OK to save the rule set.
With this rule each time a user enters any room you are in you will greet them by saying "Hi <nickname>. MS Chat provides constants you can use when building your rules, these include:
%EventNickname% = The nickname of the user who triggered the rule
%EventMessage% = The message that triggered the rule
%EventRoom% = The room name of the event that triggered the rule
%EventServer% = The server of the user who triggered the rule
The Help file covers the Rule function in great detail, thus there is little point in duplicating that information.   If you are having difficulty building a rule, take a moment to read the help file.

During the beta testing of version 2.5, several testers recommended to the program team that the ability to "self trigger" actions be included to allow the program to serve as a channel "BOT" or automated help assistant. While this feature was not included directly, there is a "workaround" that will allow you to trigger certain actions using %me% . Information on this feature will soon be added to this page.

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Sample Rules Sets

Here are some Sample Rules Sets that you can use. To install, download and unzip the file then move the CRS file to your MS Chat folder, generally C:\Program Files\Microsoft Chat.  Then open MS Chat, go to the Microsoft Chat Automations, Rules Sets tab. Click the Open Set button and locate the "Chat Rules Sets (*.crs) file and click the Open button. This is also referred to as " Importing a Rule Set "

All files are designed to be generic and you may need to edit the individual rules if you do not want the rule to function in all rooms.  In the Room: box you can set it to several options including %MyActivatedRoom%, %AnyOfMyRooms%, %MyInactivatedRooms% or you can set it to only work in one room by typing the name of that room like #Comic_Chat_Help. 

Some sample rules are provided in each rule set, you will need to change the message lines to the words or phrases you wish to activate the action. You can then duplicate this rule, and edit the message line for each additional word. Users who become wise to the rules feature will often deliberately mispell a foul word to avoid the action, so you would then need to make another rule with the mispelled word in the message line.

WARNING: The samples include a mild expletive to give you the general idea how this feature works. You must enter the word(s) you consider rude, vulgar or derogatory.

Silenced Words
This rule set will replace certain foul language words with text like this "%&#!@" though others will still see the words, you won't.  This rule can be used by parents not wanting their children to see the foul language found in many rooms, while still allowing users to converse.  

Foul Language
This rule set will only work if you are a host in a room, with it active a user will be kicked for certain foul language words, and banned on some more offensive words. Note that if you want the user kicked and banned, you must make a separate ban rule and kick rule for the word.

Rude Language
This rule set asks those using rude words to "please watch your language!", this rule will function even if you are not a host.  You may wish to edit the Room event to only work in a room you are in control of. 

Spam Stop
This rule set will automatically close a whisper box and ignore a user when they send a message from outside of the room you are in that contains either "http://" or "ftp://".   This rule works well for blocking the adult porn spam whispers.

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